
” NOTHING is lost until your mother can’t find it “

I’m Bella & this is my babygirl Bunny!

First things first the basics. For those who don’t know us already it’s no secret we are free spirits, wild at heart and totally obsessed with all things pink & pretty.

Now that’s out of the way…

I’m a london gal, entrepreneur, devoted mother, chief, cook and bottle washer, bum wiper, life wing’er & everything in between. Desperately soul searching & up until recently desperately failing. With a passion to inspire women to love theirselves more & do LESS…… yes LESS. 

In order to give MORE. Sounds crazy right!

I know this blog will be relatable to all women as I am EVERY WOMEN. This realisation came to me following a turbulent year loaded with hurt & hardship. Digging deep to reclaim my voice and refusing to sink the idea of creating a blog was born. Especially dedicated to all the Mumma’s who like me, lost theirselves in love!

The every mother who doesn’t know how they’ll do it’ but always gets it done.

The working mom forced to trade time for money, drowning in her own guilt.

The stay at home mama who’s job is never done.

The mummy who always smiles appearing to have it all together but is secretly loosing her ****.

And the mum whose identity is lost.

”Loving you – Loosing me”

I hope you know you’re AMAZING & you’re not alone!

If you have stumbled across my blog this is your call to action to take time rediscovering who you truly are! Commit to being kinder to yourself, following what light’s you up, loving yourself fiercely & make yourself a priority.

The best thing you could ever do for those you love, is fill up your cup!

If your unsure what that means, don’t worry! If you stick around all will be revealed.

Im excited to open up & invite you on my journey. I’ll be documenting our collection of milestones, mothers meetings, mindfulness, must have’s, meditations, manifestation, of course motherhood (The real stuff!!) and no doubt much more.

All enquires please contact us on: Support@bellaandbunny.co.uk