Happy Hump Day!

Coffee was needed after the morning I had with my bunny boo. She is either my bestfriend (yesterday) or the spawn of Satan (today)

“Do you mind shutting your mouth a little & going away from me now“ She said in the kindest, most sweet voice. Whilst ignoring my instructions & shoo’ing me away with her little fingers.

(Please note, this is NOT something I have ever said or condone. But I promised to keep it real over here, so here it is)

So sweet in fact that I walked away, bamboozled by her charm only realising as I was exiting the room exactly what she had said and of course off went the treat TV time as a consequence.

Now if I’m being totally honest she is a very well behaved little girl MOST OF THE TIME, but the times in-between her sense of entitlement pops it’s head (Possibly & probably my fault. They don’t teach you about this stuff in the antenatal classes. 101 on how to NOT raise a diva). Anyway she’s a very smart little lady for her age, she has kind heart & very good manors. However she’ll often ask me if I’m happy (So adorable) followed by please can I have lol (So typical)

Anyway why so much sass today you ask?;

Firstly I presume she simply woke up on the wrong side of the bed, judging by the face she had on. So I should have guessed how the morning was going to go.

If you have a child you know by even doing the slightest thing “wrong” it can seriously ruin their day.

Like opening their snacks for them… despite the fact they physically can’t do it theirselves. That has been known to cause a melt down or two in my home. Or a classic, giving a child the wrong coloured plate… don’t even get me started on that.

Mothers HAVE to become mind readers!

Today’s ordeal started by just simply asking her in a cheery voice (obviously to chirpy for a Wednesday morning) to eat up her breakfast. The second one might I add as the porridge she originally asked for, well that just wasn’t right. It was like the story of Goldilocks and the three bears all over again!

So after the breakfast bonanza, came the bath breakdown which resulted in more water being on the floor than actually inside the tub. Next the dressing disaster, for such a little lady she sure knows what she likes… and dislikes. I personally wouldn’t have paired together a purple tracksuit jumper, baggy crotch hippy harem pants (from the summer before) & brown uggs but when it comes to fashion what the hell do I know?

My two year old will tell you what’s best. After 20 minutes of pleading I gave up.

Getting out the door involved her first, second & last name being thrown about and a load of empty threats counting down from 5. 0 just meaning WE started again, yes we she ended up joining in with the counting whilst still ignoring my instructions. NFG!

We were over a hour late by the time we actually left and somehow in a wrestle to get her to just brush her nuggets we had both ended up with toothpaste in our hair & smeared down our front. There was no going back though!

Now my girl has found her voice she is not afraid to use it. I have to hold myself back from laughing (in total shock horror & to not encourage cheeky behaviour) at some of the things that leave her mouth. I remember all the times my mumma said to me “Wait untill you have a kid, your going to meet yourself“

And she was right. I was the self made SASS QUEEN. Karma doesn’t spare anyone 🙈

What is the cheekiest / funniest thing your little ones has ever said to you?

There’s no judgment with me over here. Becoming a mum has given me a whole new found respect for all mothers especially my own. Putting up with me wasn’t easy (or so I have been told… on many occasions)

I know first hand it can be such hard work being the mother of a smart mouth, independent, loving, full of life little princess but at the same time also so much fun. We are forever rolling around on the floor, giggling with each other, she has taught me to not take life so serious & to really be present in each moment as no day is promised.

Some advice from one mama to another. Pick & choose your battles if you want to survive with hair still on your head, not every battle is one worth fighting!

If she wants to wear pyjamas with wellie boots (Me 1995) and it isn’t harming anyone just let her. If that means you get to where you need to be on time and in tact. Let it go.

As for the sass….

I can only hope!

B x x x

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