Social Media Perfect!

A few days postpartum…. Are we instagrams perfect? Well after 3 days in labour. Hours in the birthing pool, 15 visitors, no sleep, pethidine, emergency epidural (twice!) tears, traumatic birth, bunny being born blue, forceps delivery with a dislocated shoulder. Contracts, a lot of blood loss & brain damage scares. Arguments & total heartbreak. The […]

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Expectations Vs Reality!

So I’ll admit I started this blog firstly as a release. In hope if I wrote down all the things going on in my head I would be able to clear the fog. Make room for other stuff or just enjoy the “space” being empty or even just light and airry. With passing thoughts soft […]

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Happy Hump Day!

Coffee was needed after the morning I had with my bunny boo. She is either my bestfriend (yesterday) or the spawn of Satan (today) “Do you mind shutting your mouth a little & going away from me now“ She said in the kindest, most sweet voice. Whilst ignoring my instructions & shoo’ing me away with […]

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Pea & Means

O B S E S S E D ! As I warned you guys, if it’s pink and pretty it has my name all over it. I came across this wonderful small shop over on Instagram. Ibby the mother behind Pea & Me kindly gifted me & Bunny two prints of our choice. I could […]

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